Canvas Access for Tutors

How to Bring Tutors into Canvas

Who can request accest?

If you are the official Instructor of Record, please email your request to Instructional Technologyinclude the following:

  • Course name
  • 学期
  • CRN number
  • Tutor's name
  • Tutor's W number or Zonemail address


Please note that tutors are bound by confidentiality. To maintain FERPA requirements 和 protect student data, tutors must not share student names or other information. Let us know if tutor stops working during the semester so we can remove them from the course.


What types of Canvas access will my tutor have?

All tutors are designated as Student Embedded Tutors in Canvas. They can:

  • View all published content
  • View announcements
  • Send messages to the entire class or individual students
  • Create, view, post, 和 moderate discussions
  • View all student groups
  • Create student Collaborations
  • View the names of enrolled students
  • Create web conferences


If I'm the instructor, can I just add my tutor as a student myself?

Unfortunately, no. Students who are not officially enrolled will be kicked out of the course when Banner talks with Canvas (every six hours or so). 

Only Instructional Technology can add Student Embedded Tutors to ensure that they have consistent access.


Common Issues

What if my tutor does not have a W number or Zonemail address?

Tutors must have a W number 和 Zonemail address to be added to a Canvas course. If necessary, ask them to enroll as a Chabot student 和 then enroll then in the course. This can take several business days for everything to make its way through the system.

Once they are officially enrolled, please email Instructional Technology with the information listed above. We will update their role to Student Embedded Tutor so they are not bumped out of Canvas when they drop the class.


What if my tutor's W number 和 Zonemail address are not recognized by Canvas?

If your tutor has Chabot credentials, but has never taken a Canvas course here at Chabot, they must enroll in the course. This just needs to happen once. After their Chabot credentials are recognized by Canvas, they will not have to do this step again.


When should my tutor drop (or be dropped) so they don't have to pay for the course?

Once they are officially enrolled, please email Instructional Technology with the information listed above. We will update their role to Student Embedded Tutor so they are not bumped out of Canvas when they drop the class.

It is safe to drop them from the course when they have student access. They can also drop themselves. 



Who can help with access issues?

Canvas: Instructional Technology Zonemail 和 CLASS-Web: Help Desk