

为教师 & 工作人员

These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

ESYS 50 -电子系统技术导论    ( 4.00 -单位)
电子系统与电路概论. 概述 of career opportunities and job duties with electronic systems technology. Direct 当前的 and alternating 当前的 circuits including Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. Measurement and characterization of electronic systems at the block diagram level. Laboratory practice includes the proper use of standard test instruments.

  1. describe and analyze the 操作 of basic electronic circuits using appropriate electronic terminology, 理论, 数学关系;
  2. use test and measurement equipment to perform basic voltage, 当前的, 电阻, 电子电路的定时测量;
  3. build a wide range of electronic circuitry on prototyping boards for comparing and contrasting physical analysis to provide results consistent with 理论 analysis.

ESYS 51 - Fabrication Techniques for 电子系统技术    ( 2.00 -单位)
原型开发包括金属板, 印刷电路板的布局和制作, 连接和焊接技术, 使用手工工具, 还有电子制造中的机器. Use of computer software tools as applied to electronic fabrication.

  1. document the construction and 组装 of an electronic system;
  2. 使用标准工具进行焊接, 组装, and fabrication tasks on electronic assemblies and systems.

ESYS 54 -模拟电路和半导体器件    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to more advanced electrical/electronics circuits. 学生学习使用双相情感障碍 结晶体管), 场效应晶体管, 运算放大器(集成电路运算放大器) building electronic circuits such as 权力 supplies, 放大器, 振子, 和过滤器. 主题包括 biasing of 放大器 to explain how transistors are turned on; configurations of 放大器 which explain how the amps differ with 当前的 and voltage gain and classes of 放大器 which explain efficiencies of 的放大器. 电压调整, 活跃的过滤器, 振子, 计时器和调制也是课程内容的一部分.

  1. identify op-amp circuit configurations and calculate gain and impedances for the circuit;
  2. identify the terminals and basic internal construction of MOSFET transistors, and describe the 操作 of MOSFET switching and amplifier circuits.

ESYS 55 -物联网 & 单片机系统    ( 3.00 -单位)
As IoT connects the world, explore its benefits, applications and challenges. 体系结构、编程 application and troubleshooting of single-chip microcontroller electronic systems as well as complex 可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)电子系统. 数字构建模块, 数字系统, 包括 VHDL编程. 数字构建模块, 数字系统, 布尔代数, 组合逻辑和顺序逻辑, 集成逻辑族, digital circuit measurement techniques and instrumentation, 故障诊断技术.

  1. interpret manufacturers' data sheets and reference documentation and apply principles of digital and microcontroller systems to describe the 操作 of a given microcontroller system.
  2. 使用标准测试设备, 系统文档, and software program listings to measure and verify timing, 输入, 以及给定基本微控制器系统的输出.
  3. build an IoT microcontroller project that encompasses 输入 and outputs, 重复功能编程, 修改程序的因果关系. 这个项目将 culminate with a verbal demonstration presentation to the class and constructing an e-portfolio to showcase the project on the Internet.

esys57 - plc & 过程控制系统    ( 3.00 -单位)
Programmable logic control systems; function, 相互关系, 以及系统部件的故障排除. PLC输入/输出系统及要求. 使用梯形逻辑和SCADA编程 basic I/O instructions, 逻辑指令, 计时器, 计数器, 比较函数.

  1. describe the functions and 操作s of a process control system at the block level;
  2. implement and troubleshoot a basic functional control system using ladder-logic 编程;
  3. build a PLC project that encompasses 输入 and outputs, 重复功能编程, 修改程序的因果关系. 这个项目将 culminate with a verbal demonstration presentation to the class and constructing an e-portfolio to showcase the project on the Internet.

ESYS 63 - IT要点:PC硬件和软件    ( 3.00 -单位)
思科网络学院IT基础课程. Students will learn the internal 组件 of a computer, 组装计算机系统, 安装操作系统, and troubleshoot using system tools and diagnostic software. Students will also connect to the Internet and share resources in a network environment. Additional topics covered include laptops and portable devices, 无线连接和基本的实现技能, 互联网语音协议(VoIP), 安全, 安全和环境问题, applied network configuration and troubleshooting skills, 沟通技巧. May not receive credit if Computer Application Systems 83 has been completed.

  1. 确定基本原则, 组件, and procedures for servicing and maintaining Personal Computer Systems, as identified by the Comp-TIA A+ certification competencies;
  2. 安装, 执行基础配置任务, and demonstrate basic troubleshooting on the hardware and software of a Personal Computer System;
  3. configure a printer to connect to a computer as well as perform basic printer service including changing toner/ink cartridges and clear the paper path of a jammed printer.

ESYS 69 -发那科机器人 & 发那科认证    ( 3.00 -单位)
Robots are used in many aspects of manufacturing from loading, 卸货, 排序, 拾起并定位, 组装, 调剂, 绘画, 加工, 焊接, 切割, 铸造, 成型, 完成, 清洁, 检查, 质量控制和收获. Our ESYS 69/269 course introduces our students to the fundamental concepts of robot safety, 操作, 编程 and maintenance of industrial robots by using the FANUC LRMate 200iC Robots with their R-30iB Mate Plus Controllers. The control of the 6 robot axes is facilitated via the FANUC MH iPendant with Touch Screens. Programming of the robot is also learned on the same FANUC teach iPendants. This course provides the foundation for understanding how robots can enhance functionality, 提高生产率, 提高制造业的效率, 食品/饮料包装, 工厂, 卫生保健, 矿业和农业.

  1. compare and contrast actuators to effectors in robotic control systems;
  2. configure, operate, and troubleshoot DC, stepper, and AC motor systems;
  3. set up a variable frequency AC motor for acceleration, deceleration and braking.

通向电子系统技术的桥梁    ( 3.00 -单位)
Basic electronic 理论, formulas, and calculations applied to DC and AC circuits and systems. 电量和单位, 包括单位前缀, 科学符号和工程符号. Algebraic manipulation of formulas, reading and plotting of four-quadrant graphs. Logarithmic functions applied to decibel, time constant, and other electronic applications. Trigonometric functions applied to AC sine wave circuits

  1. The student will describe the 操作 of basic electronic circuits using appropriate electronic terminology, 理论, 以及数学关系.
  2. The student will solve basic electronic equations using a scientific calculator.
  3. The student will use test and measurement equipment to perform basic voltage, 当前的, 以及电子电路的电阻测量.

ESYS 201 -电子项目原型    (单位)
Development and prototyping of student-selected electronic projects. 自动化设计工具, automated and hand fabrication and electronic 组装 techniques, 原型的测量和评价.

  1. 学生将使用手, 权力, and automated fabrication tools to create a prototype of a student-selected project.

esys202 -电子电路计算和分析    (单位)
Application of algebraic and trigonometric calculations and formulas applied to electronic circuit examples. Digital logic applied to combinational and sequential circuits.

  1. Student will apply algebraic formulas and electrical laws and theorems to analyze passive DC circuits.
  2. Student will apply trigonometric formulas and electrical laws and theorems to analyze passive AC circuits
  3. Student will apply digital logic functions and theorems to analyze digital logic circuits.

电子电路测量和分析    (单位)
Measurement and presentation of data in analog and digital circuits. Emphasis on comparison and correlation of measured data with calculated circuit analysis.

  1. Students will perform specified AC and DC measurements in analog and digital circuits, and apply circuit analysis to validate their measurement data.

ESYS 250 - Introduction to 电子系统技术    (单位)
电子系统与电路概论. 概述 of career opportunities and job duties with electronic systems technology. Direct 当前的 and alternating 当前的 circuits including Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's laws. Measurement and characterization of electronic systems at the block diagram level. Laboratory practice includes the proper use of standard test instruments. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 50 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. describe and analyze the 操作 of basic electronic circuits using appropriate electronic terminology, 理论, 数学关系;
  2. use test and measurement equipment to perform basic voltage, 当前的, 电阻, 电子电路的定时测量;
  3. build a wide range of electronic circuitry on prototyping boards for comparing and contrasting physical analysis to provide results consistent with 理论 analysis.

ESYS 251 - Fabrication Techniques for 电子系统技术    (单位)
原型开发包括金属板, 印刷电路板的布局和制作, 连接和焊接技术, 使用手工工具, 还有电子制造中的机器. Use of computer software tools as applied to electronic fabrication. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 51 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. The student will use standard software applications to document the construction and 组装 of an electronic system.
  2. The student will 使用标准工具进行焊接, 组装, and fabrication tasks on electronic assemblies and systems.

ESYS 254 -模拟电路和半导体器件    (单位)
Introduction to more advanced electrical/electronics circuits. 学生学习使用双相情感障碍 结晶体管), 场效应晶体管, 运算放大器(集成电路运算放大器) building electronic circuits such as 权力 supplies, 放大器, 振子, 和过滤器. 主题包括 biasing of 放大器 to explain how transistors are turned on; configurations of 放大器 which explain how the amps differ with 当前的 and voltage gain and classes of 放大器 which explain efficiencies of 的放大器. 电压调整, 活跃的过滤器, 振子, 计时器 and modulation are also part of course 内容. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 54 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. The student will identify op-amp circuit configurations and calculate gain and impedances for the circuit.
  2. The student will identify the terminals and basic internal construction of MOSFET transistors, and describe the 操作 of MOSFET switching and amplifier circuits.

ESYS 255 -物联网 & 单片机系统    (单位)
As IoT connects the world, explore its benefits, applications and challenges. 体系结构、编程 application and troubleshooting of single-chip microcontroller electronic systems as well as complex 可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)电子系统. 包括 VHDL编程, 数字构建模块, 数字系统, 布尔代数, 组合逻辑和顺序逻辑, 集成逻辑族, digital circuit measurement techniques and instrumentation and 故障诊断技术. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 55 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. interpret manufacturers' data sheets and reference documentation and apply principles of digital and microcontroller systems to describe the 操作 of a given microcontroller system.
  2. 使用标准测试设备, 系统文档, and software program listings to measure and verify timing, 输入, 以及给定基本微控制器系统的输出.
  3. build a microcontroller project that encompasses 输入 and outputs, 重复功能编程, 修改程序的因果关系. 这个项目将 culminate with a verbal demonstration presentation to the class and constructing an eportfolio to showcase the project on the Internet.

esys257 - plc & 过程控制系统    (单位)
Programmable logic control systems; function, 相互关系, 以及系统部件的故障排除. PLC输入/输出系统及要求. 使用梯形逻辑和SCADA编程 basic I/O instructions, 逻辑指令, 计时器, 计数器, 比较函数. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 57 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. will describe the functions and 操作s of a process control system at the block level.
  2. will implement and troubleshoot a basic functional control system using ladder-logic 编程.
  3. build a PLC project that encompasses 输入 and outputs, 重复功能编程, 修改程序的因果关系. 这个项目将 culminate with a verbal demonstration presentation to the class and constructing an e-portfolio to showcase the project on the Internet.

ESYS 263 - IT要领:PC硬件和软件    (单位)
思科网络学院IT基础课程. Students will learn the internal 组件 of a computer, 组装计算机系统, 安装操作系统, and troubleshoot using system tools and diagnostic software. Students will also connect to the Internet and share resources in a network environment. Additional topics covered include laptops and portable devices, 无线连接和基本的实现技能, 互联网语音协议(VoIP), 安全, 安全和环境问题, applied network configuration and troubleshooting skills, 沟通技巧. May not receive credit if Computer Application Systems 83 has been completed. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 63 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. 确定基本原则, 组件, and procedures for servicing and maintaining Personal Computer Systems, as identified by the Comp-TIA A+ certification competencies;
  2. 安装, 执行基础配置任务, and demonstrate basic troubleshooting on the hardware and software of a Personal Computer System;
  3. configure a printer to connect to a computer as well as perform basic printer service including changing toner/ink cartridges and clear the paper path of a jammed printer.

esys269 -发那科机器人 & 发那科认证    (单位)
Robots are used in many aspects of manufacturing from loading, 卸货, 排序, 拾起并定位, 组装, 调剂, 绘画, 加工, 焊接, 切割, 铸造, 成型, 完成, 清洁, 检查, 质量控制和收获. Our ESYS 69/269 course introduces our students to the fundamental concepts of robot safety, 操作, 编程 and maintenance of industrial robots by using the FANUC LRMate 200iC Robots with their R-30iB Mate Plus Controllers. The control of the 6 robot axes is facilitated via the FANUC MH iPendant with Touch Screens. Programming of the robot is also learned on the same FANUC teach iPendants. This course provides the foundation for understanding how robots can enhance functionality, 提高生产率, 提高制造业的效率, 食品/饮料包装, 工厂, 卫生保健, 矿业和农业. This course is free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. This course is a noncredit course that is equivalent to the ESYS 69 credit course of the same title. Both options cover the same 内容 and students will be enrolled in the same class at the same time. If a student chooses to move from noncredit to credit courses, please meet with ESYS faculty to discuss assessing equivalency and credit by exam. 本课程是结业证书的一部分. Available 证书 can be found in the “大学 目录.

  1. compare and contrast actuators to effectors in robotic control systems.
  2. configure, operate, and troubleshoot DC, stepper, and AC motor systems.
  3. set up a variable frequency AC motor for acceleration, deceleration and braking.