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Kelsey Paiz Mayeda
Adjunct Faculty
Kelsey Paiz (KEL-see Pie-EASE; she/her) teaches Communication Studies at Chabot College as a part-time faculty member. She received a Master's Degree in Communication Studies from CSU Long Beach and a Bachelor's Degree in the field from Sacramento State, but she actually started her studies right here at Chabot College! With the support of her instructors and the mentors that she met here, she found her passion for teaching and her love of Communication Studies. Ever since then, she has made it her goal to support her students in the same way and she has been teaching at community colleges for the entirety of her career. In her public speaking classes, she encourages students to tell their stories. She emphasizes to them throughout the semester that each of them has a unique perspective to share and that communication gives them the tools to understand and express their experiences. Her goal is to create a safe, inclusive space where every student has a platform.

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