
TD 19


转天 is a great opportunity for students to meet with representatives from 4-year colleges and universities, explore transfer options, and attend workshops to dig deeper into a specific aspect of transferring.

Over 45 colleges and university from the 加州州立大学, 大学 of California, and private/independent institutions throughout California as well as a few out-of-state institutions will be here to provide information about majors, transfer admissions requirements, transfer student scholarships, housing, financial aid, student life, and much more at this annual transfer event!



转移 FAIR(上午10时至下午1时)


10 am-1pm,自助餐厅, 2300年建筑

不知道该问什么? 这里有 Suggested 问题 to Ask 大学 Representatives

参加学院 & 大学

  • 基社盟奇科
  • CSU东湾
  • 加州弗雷斯诺
  • 加州萨克拉门托
  • 基社盟斯坦尼斯洛斯
  • 洪堡州立大学
  • San Francisco State 大学
  • 圣何塞州立大学
  • 索诺玛州立大学
  • 艺术大学学院
  • Brandman大学
  • California College of the Arts
  • Dominican 加州大学
  • 圣名大学
  • 约翰F. 肯尼迪大学
  • 门罗大学
  • 米尔斯学院
  • 国立大学
  • Notre Dame de Namur 大学
  • 太平洋橡树学院
  • 帕洛阿尔托大学
  • Saint Mary's College of California
  • 塞缪尔·梅里特大学
  • Stanford 大学 School of Medicine
  • The 时装设计学院 and 销售
  • 联合研究所 & 大学
  • 旧金山大学
  • 太平洋大学
  • 威廉杰瑟普大学
  • 亚利桑那州立大学
  • 历史上的黑人大学 & 大学(HBCU)
  • 华盛顿州立大学
  • 西部州长大学
  • 西俄勒冈大学
  • 内华达大学里诺分校
  • 加州大学伯克利分校
  • 加州大学戴维斯分校
  • 加州大学欧文分校
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校
  • 加州大学默塞德
  • 加州大学河滨分校
  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校
  • 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校
  • 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校

with 大学 Representative

Drop-In transfer advising available. Check-in at the 转移中心 on the second 地板上的 700号楼761室Bring copies of your grades from ALL colleges attended so the transfer representative 愿为您提供最好的帮助.

  • 米尔斯学院: 1-1:50pm
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校: 3:10-4:30pm
  • 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校: 2-3:30pm
  • 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校: 1:30-3pm

SESSION 1                    (1-2pm)


 asu亚利桑那州立大学 Transfer Guarantee

1-2pm, Room 559, Buildng 500, 2nd Floor

推荐者:先生. Chester Henderson, 亚利桑那州立大学 Transfer Representative


  • ASU's transfer guarantee requirements and Transfer Guide tool
  • What is WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange)
  • What is ASU's Online and how does financial aid work for an out-of-state and/or online 程序?

Hbcu转移保证历史上的黑人大学 & 大学 Transfer Guarantee 

1-2pm, Room 558, Building 500, 2nd Floor

主持人:女士. Diane Crosley Mayers, HBCU Transfer Guarantee Represenative

你知道你的ADT和2吗.5 gpa can get you guarantee transfer admission and an application fee waiver to a partner HBCU institution? 参加了解更多ag体育 HBCU!

ucThe 加州大学 (UC) - One System, Nine Campuses, Endless Possibilities

1-2pm, Room 551, Building 500, 2nd Floor 

主持人:女士. Adra Bowman, 加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 Representative 


  • Similarities and differences among the 9 UC campuses;
  • UC admission requirements, research and extracurricular opportunities;
  • The UC Transfer Admission Guarantee.

加州大学旧金山分校加州大学, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine

1-2pm, Room 553, Building 500, 2nd Floor

主持人:女士. LaTasha米切尔 UCSF医学院, Office of Post Baccalaureate & 拓展项目

Learn what is needed to develop a competitive application and understand the medical 学校申请流程. We will discuss tips to help you make the most of your community college experience as a part of your journey to medical school. 这个车间 is appropriate for declared pre-medical students and those considering a career in 医学.


SESSION 2                   (2-3pm)


应用ing to the 加州州立大学 (CSU)

2-3pm, Room 551, Building 500, 2nd Floor

主持人:女士. Rachel De Vera, 圣何塞州立大学 Transfer Representative


  • CSU转学机会
  • 应用程序提示
  • 圣何塞州立大学 transfer requirements


AICCU应用ing to Private Colleges (Common Application for Transfers)


主持人:女士. April Sanders, 米尔斯学院 Transfer 招生 Representative

概述 of the Common Application for Transfers used by many private institutions; the value of a private college education.

fidmBehind the Design: Careers in the Apparel Industry (FIDM)

2-3pm, Room 553, Building 500, 2nd Floor

主持人:女士. Annie Holden, College Representative/ 特别活动经理 时装设计学院 & 销售

Offering a glimpse into various careers in the apparel industry such as merchandising, marketing, digital advertising, manufacturing, trend forecasting, fashion design, 和更多的.



2-3pm, Room 559, Building 500, 2nd Floor

主持人Erika Perez,  Assistant Director - Transfer Recruitment, 加州大学 ——洛杉矶

Learn more about UCLA, the admission process for transfer students, and meet the UCLA transfer admissions representative.

Check out our previous 转天s

For 大学 Representatives

If you are interested in representing your institution at “大学's Fall 2019 转天, please submit the 转帐日利息表格.

For additional questions, please email:

Ms. Cemone科沃特
转移中心 Counselor Assistant II